Michelle's story continued...Upon arriving at the Infusion Center, Michelle received a care kit filled with items that were carefully selected to help ease the stress of chemotherapy, like a blanket, scarf, crossword puzzles, water bottle, lip balm, and lotion.
Additionally, the nurses recognized Michelle’s anxiety and, like all their patients, flooded her with constant love and support. Extra-special services were also available for her, like a coffee station, live therapeutic music, and the welcome kit. With this exceptional care, Michelle's apprehension immediately began to ebb, and she's continuing her treatments with a lot more comfort and peace than she imagined. So why were you instrumental in providing Michelle with the best care possible? Because the special amenities she received – the care package, live music session, and coffee station, are completely donor-funded. Today we ask that you make a gift to continue providing for these services, particularly the care kit. Each care package costs $75. Will you make a donation to help provide for this comforting gift? With over 300 patients treated in the Infusion Center each year, every kit we can give provides that little bit of extra support during a stressful time in these individual’s lives. It also shows them that their community is behind them 100 percent. Thank you for being generous today. |